Sunday, May 10, 2015


My most important lineman would be Marshall Yanda. He is heavy and can hold any defense of lineman or linebacker but is also fast enough to pool and lead block for the halfback, full back, quarterback, or whoever has the ball.

Marshall Yandow is a 6'3" 300 pound beast. Anyone he is put against is shut down for that game. If they are lucky they will get 1 or 2 tackles. Marshal Yanda makes it seem like the defender he is blocking wasn't even at the game because of his strength and technique.

When you watch Marshall Yanda you can learn a lot. Depending on if it is a pass or run play he has completely different techniques. If it's a press play he backs up and pops is defender away in order to protect the quarterback. If it's  a run play he drives his defender the opposite way of the runner in order to make a clean hole for his teammates.

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