Sunday, May 10, 2015

Who do I choose

There are so many good players it is hard to choose only one for each position. For example I get stuck between players every time I try to choose one for a certain position. All of their skill level makes it difficult to choose just one of them. I have to narrow it down to two then choose between those two players which is still difficult

Like right now I'm stuck between Lawrence Taylor who is a linebacker but I would want to put him at defensive end so he could use his quickness to get around the offense of tackle and pressure the quarterback. But there's also Demarcus ware Who is a defense end he is not quite as fast what is stronger and could bully and bust through the offense of line which he has shown numerous times.
I still don't know who I will pick.

I can't seem to choose just one player, it keeps happening where I'm stuck between two. It happened when I was choosing my quarterback who eventually turned out to be Michael Vick also when I was choosing my middle linebacker who I think will most likely be Ray Lewis. It is also currently happening while I'm trying to choose my cornerback, there are too many great players in the NFL but I will have to sort through all of them and decide which ones are the BEST.


My most important lineman would be Marshall Yanda. He is heavy and can hold any defense of lineman or linebacker but is also fast enough to pool and lead block for the halfback, full back, quarterback, or whoever has the ball.

Marshall Yandow is a 6'3" 300 pound beast. Anyone he is put against is shut down for that game. If they are lucky they will get 1 or 2 tackles. Marshal Yanda makes it seem like the defender he is blocking wasn't even at the game because of his strength and technique.

When you watch Marshall Yanda you can learn a lot. Depending on if it is a pass or run play he has completely different techniques. If it's a press play he backs up and pops is defender away in order to protect the quarterback. If it's  a run play he drives his defender the opposite way of the runner in order to make a clean hole for his teammates.


I decided on which quarterback I wanted to use. At first I didn't know so I looked up who everyone else thought the best quarterback of all time is. I also had to think about which one was best for my running game plan. That narrowed it down to Randall Cunningham and Michael Vick. Because Michael Vick is the better thrower and running I decided to choose him as my starting quarterback. He is so quick that the defense can't seem to get to him.

Although Payton Manning and Joe Montanna are much more accurate throwers they can't compare to Vicks pocket movement, speed, and agility. Michael Vick can run like a talented running back but also throw the ball like a great quarterback.

The only problem with Michael Vick is that at times he doesn't look for the pass. He gets Tonnele vision and only wants to run the ball. So instead of looking for the open receiver he looks for the open hole and runs it. Yet I still would choose him as my starting QB

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Last week I spent most of the day creating my cover page with pictures of the greatest football players of all time along with a team name. I got an idea of which players I will want on my team.I based those picks off of skill set and how they would work in with my game plan, which would involve a lot of run plays and linemen pulling. So I know I need big and fast linemen so they can clear a path for the halfback/ whoever has the ball. I choose all of my defensive linemen and linebackers.